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Braces 101: Do You or Your Child Need Braces?

Adult & Children Braces

At first, navigating the world of orthodontics can often seem like a daunting journey when you have unanswered questions, apprehensions, and uncertainties paired with many important decisions to make.  At Tebo Orthodontics, we are dedicated to making this process as understandable, comfortable, and accessible as we can.  Whether you are considering braces for yourself or your child, recognizing when they may be needed and the reason for them is a critical first step.  Let’s start by reviewing the basics of braces.  Below, we will highlight factors that indicate the need for orthodontic treatment and its transformative benefits.

Identifying the Right Time for Braces

Timing plays a pivotal role in the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment. Here are some general guidelines for knowing when it may be time to consider braces:

  • Children’s Assessments: The American Association of Orthodontists recommends that children have their first orthodontic consultation by the age of seven. This early assessment does not always mean immediate treatment, but it allows for timely identification of potential issues.
  • Teen and Adult Braces: Adolescence is a common time to start orthodontic treatment due to rapid growth stages and the development of permanent teeth; however, adults can also benefit from wearing braces. There is no age limit when it comes to improving your smile and dental health!

The ‘Why’ Behind Braces

Braces are more than just cosmetic enhancers; they are crucial for oral health.  Here is why braces could be recommended as a treatment option:

  • Crowding and Spacing Issues: Overcrowded or widely spaced teeth can lead to dental hygiene challenges and potential oral health issues.
  • Bite Alignment Problems: Misaligned bites, such as overbites, underbites, or crossbites, can cause difficulties with chewing, speaking, and uneven wear of the teeth.
  • Jaw Alignment and Function: Orthodontic treatment can correct jaw misalignments, reducing the risk of jaw pain, TMJ disorders, and other related issues.

The Health Benefits Beyond a Beautiful Smile

Braces do much more than create an aesthetically pleasing smile; they contribute significantly to oral health and overall well-being.  Here are some of the health benefits of orthodontic treatment:

  • Improved Oral Hygiene: Straight and properly aligned teeth are much easier to clean, which helps to reduce the risk of cavities and gum disease.
  • Enhanced Speech and Chewing: Properly aligned teeth and jaws can improve speech and make chewing more efficient.
  • Long-Term Dental Health: Proper alignment prevents abnormal wear of tooth surfaces, which decreases stress on the gum tissues and bones as well as reduces the risk of injury from protruding teeth.

The Process and Expectations

Oftentimes, having an understanding of what to expect during orthodontic treatment can help to ease any apprehensions you may have about the process. 

  • Consultation and Customization: Orthodontic treatment at Tebo Orthodontics is tailored to meet individual needs.  To evaluate different treatment options, review questions, and discuss the process as a whole, we start with a detailed consultation.
  • Life with Braces: Some adjustments to eating habits and oral care may be necessary when you are wearing braces, but modern-day options are much more comfortable and efficient than they have ever been.

Embarking on an orthodontic journey with braces can be a life-changing decision, not just for aesthetic reasons, but also for long-term oral health. At Tebo Orthodontics, we are committed to guiding you or your child through every step of this transformative journey to ensure a future of confident, healthy smiles.

Ready to explore how braces can be beneficial for you or your child? Schedule a consultation with Tebo Orthodontics today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.

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