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It Leads To The Heart: How Oral Hygiene Can Impact Your Overall Health

How Hygiene Can Impact our Overall Health

We all know that taking proper care of our teeth is important for a healthy smile. But did you know that the health of your teeth can actually have an impact on other parts of your body? By keeping up with proper dental hygiene, you can prevent issues with the heart and other organs. In this article, we’ll discuss why taking care of your teeth is so important and how it leads to better overall health.

Good dental hygiene has an essential link to your body’s health and well-being. Taking proper care of your teeth can prevent issues with the heart, as poor oral hygiene can lead to bacteria entering the bloodstream and causing inflammation in other parts of the body. In addition, research has shown that the health of your teeth can impact other parts of your body, such as your brain and immune system. This is why it is so important to take proper care of your teeth— it’s key to maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle!

According to an article from Harvard Medical School“study after study has shown that people with poor oral health (such as gum disease or tooth loss) have higher rates of cardiovascular problems such as heart attack or stroke than people with good oral health.”

Furthermore, “the connection between poor oral health and overall health may not be limited to cardiovascular disease. Studies from the National Library of Medicine have linked periodontal disease (especially if due to infection with a bacterium called porphyromonas gingivalis) and rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, a 2018 study found a link between this same bacterium and the risk of pancreatic cancer.”

That’s why it’s important to understand the connection between dental health and overall health so that you can take proper care of your teeth and prevent any issues (that could otherwise be avoidable) in the future.

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